10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works–A True Story

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“10% Happier” is a memoir written by Dan Harris, a news anchor who suffered a panic attack on live television. This event led him to explore the world of meditation and mindfulness, which he initially dismissed as “woo-woo” and unscientific. Through his journey, Harris meets with various experts in the field and shares his personal experiences with meditation, including the challenges and benefits he encountered.

The book is a refreshing take on the self-help genre, as Harris approaches the topic with a healthy dose of skepticism and humor. He acknowledges that meditation is not a panacea for all problems, but rather a tool that can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and emotions. Harris also provides practical tips for beginners who are interested in starting a meditation practice, such as finding a comfortable posture and setting a regular schedule.

Overall, “10% Happier” is a relatable and engaging read that demystifies meditation and mindfulness. It offers a compelling argument for why these practices are worth exploring, even for those who may be skeptical or intimidated by the idea. Harris’ personal anecdotes and insights make the book feel like a conversation with a friend, rather than a dry self-help manual. Whether you’re a seasoned meditator or a curious beginner, “10% Happier” is a worthwhile read that will leave you feeling inspired and motivated to cultivate more mindfulness in your life.

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Key Concepts:

– The importance of mindfulness and meditation in reducing stress and anxiety

– The role of self-help in personal development

– The impact of negative self-talk and how to overcome it

– The benefits of embracing imperfection and letting go of perfectionism


– Entrepreneurs can benefit from the book’s emphasis on mindfulness and stress reduction, as entrepreneurship can be a high-stress environment

– The book’s concepts can be applied in real-world business situations, such as managing difficult employees or navigating challenging negotiations

– Actionable takeaways include incorporating meditation into daily routines and practicing self-compassion to overcome negative self-talk


– The book can have a significant impact on an entrepreneur’s personal development and business success by providing tools to manage stress and anxiety

– Adopting the book’s concepts and strategies can lead to improved decision-making, better relationships with employees and customers, and increased productivity

Author’s Background:

– Dan Harris has experience in both personal development and entrepreneurship, having worked as a news anchor and started his own media company

– His personal experience with anxiety and stress gives him credibility in discussing the importance of mindfulness and meditation


– “10% Happier” differs from other personal development books in its focus on meditation and mindfulness as a means of reducing stress and anxiety

– The book offers unique insights into the role of self-help in personal development and the impact of negative self-talk

Additional Resources:

– The “10% Happier” podcast, which features interviews with experts in mindfulness and meditation

– The “10% Happier” app, which offers guided meditations and mindfulness exercises

– Articles and videos on the benefits of mindfulness and meditation in the workplace

Recommended for:

– Entrepreneurs who struggle with stress and anxiety

– Those interested in incorporating mindfulness and meditation into their daily routines

– Anyone looking for a practical and relatable approach to personal development

Usefulness Rating:

– 4/5 stars – “10% Happier” offers practical tools for managing stress and anxiety, and provides a relatable and humorous perspective on personal development. However, the book’s focus on meditation and mindfulness may not resonate with all readers.