The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story

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The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story is a non-fiction book written by Michael Lewis, published in 1999. The book is a fascinating account of the life and career of Jim Clark, a billionaire entrepreneur who co-founded Silicon Graphics and Netscape Communications.

The book takes readers on a journey through the world of Silicon Valley during the 1990s, a time when the tech industry was booming and new companies were popping up left and right. Lewis provides an in-depth look at the culture of Silicon Valley, the personalities of the people who worked there, and the incredible innovations that were being developed.

At the center of the story is Jim Clark, a brilliant and eccentric entrepreneur who was always looking for the next big thing. The book follows Clark as he starts Silicon Graphics, a company that revolutionized the way computer graphics were created, and then moves on to co-found Netscape, the company that created the first widely-used web browser.

Throughout the book, Lewis explores the ups and downs of Clark’s career, as well as the larger trends and forces that were shaping the tech industry at the time. He also delves into the personal life of Clark, including his relationships with his family and his struggles with health issues.

Overall, The New New Thing is a compelling and insightful look at the world of Silicon Valley during a pivotal moment in its history. It offers a unique perspective on the people and ideas that shaped the tech industry as we know it today, and is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of technology and entrepreneurship.

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Key Concepts:

– The importance of innovation and risk-taking in entrepreneurship

– The role of venture capital in funding startups

– The challenges of managing rapid growth and scaling a business

– The impact of technology on society and the economy


– Entrepreneurs can apply the book’s concepts to develop innovative products and services that meet the needs of their customers

– The book’s insights on venture capital can help entrepreneurs secure funding for their startups

– The book’s discussion of growth and scaling can help entrepreneurs manage their businesses more effectively

– The book’s analysis of the impact of technology can help entrepreneurs anticipate and adapt to changes in the market

Actionable Takeaways:

– Focus on innovation and taking calculated risks to create new products and services

– Build relationships with venture capitalists to secure funding for your startup

– Develop a growth strategy that takes into account the challenges of scaling a business

– Stay informed about technological trends and their potential impact on your business


– The book can inspire entrepreneurs to take risks and pursue innovative ideas

– The book’s insights on venture capital can help entrepreneurs secure funding for their startups

– The book’s discussion of growth and scaling can help entrepreneurs avoid common pitfalls and achieve sustainable growth

– The book’s analysis of the impact of technology can help entrepreneurs anticipate and adapt to changes in the market

Author’s Background:

– Michael Lewis is a journalist and author who has written several books on finance and business, including “Liar’s Poker” and “The Big Short”

– Lewis’s experience covering the financial industry and his knowledge of Silicon Valley contribute to the book’s value

– The book includes case studies and examples of successful entrepreneurs, including Jim Clark, that illustrate the author’s points


– “The New New Thing” offers a unique perspective on entrepreneurship in the tech industry, focusing on the challenges and opportunities of Silicon Valley

– The book differs from other personal development books in its emphasis on innovation and risk-taking, rather than traditional business strategies

– The book’s insights on venture capital and growth are similar to those found in other business books, but its focus on technology sets it apart

Additional Resources:

– “The Lean