To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others

$18.00 $13.29

“To Sell is Human” by Daniel H. Pink is a thought-provoking book that challenges the traditional notion of salesmanship. Pink argues that we are all in sales, whether we realize it or not, and that the ability to persuade and influence others is a crucial skill in today’s world. Drawing on research from psychology, sociology, and economics, Pink provides practical tips and strategies for improving our sales skills, from understanding the importance of empathy and listening to mastering the art of improvisation. He also explores the changing nature of sales in the digital age, where traditional sales techniques are becoming less effective and new approaches are needed. Overall, “To Sell is Human” is a fascinating and insightful read that will change the way you think about sales and persuasion.

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Key Concepts:
– Selling is a fundamental human activity that involves persuading, convincing, and influencing others to take action.
– The traditional sales pitch is no longer effective in today’s world, where information is abundant and buyers are more informed and skeptical.
– The new ABCs of selling are Attunement, Buoyancy, and Clarity, which involve understanding the other person’s perspective, maintaining a positive attitude, and communicating clearly and concisely.
– The book also explores the science of motivation, the power of storytelling, and the importance of serving others.

The book’s applicability to entrepreneurs is significant, as they face unique challenges in selling their products or services. The concepts presented in the book can be applied in real-world business situations by:

– Developing empathy and understanding the customer’s needs and wants.
– Maintaining a positive attitude and resilience in the face of rejection and failure.
– Communicating clearly and effectively to build trust and credibility.
– Using storytelling to create emotional connections and inspire action.

The book offers actionable takeaways for entrepreneurs, such as:

– Practice active listening and ask open-ended questions to understand the customer’s perspective.
– Use positive self-talk and visualization to maintain a buoyant attitude.
– Craft a clear and concise elevator pitch that communicates the value proposition.
– Use the Pixar Pitch framework to tell a compelling story that resonates with the customer.

The impact of the book on an entrepreneur’s personal development and business success can be significant, as it provides a fresh perspective on selling and offers practical strategies for improving sales performance. The author’s background and expertise in personal development and entrepreneurship add value to the book, as he draws on research and real-world examples to support his arguments.

Compared to other personal development books in the same field, To Sell is Human stands out for its emphasis on the importance of selling in all aspects of life and its practical approach to improving sales skills. The book is recommended for entrepreneurs who want to improve their sales performance and develop a more effective approach to selling.

Overall, the book is highly useful and valuable for entrepreneurs, as it provides a new perspective on selling and offers practical strategies for improving sales performance. The usefulness rating is 9 out of 10. Additional resources, such